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KANATA GC (Customer Journey & Customer Lifecycle)

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

Customer lifecycle:

It refers to the various stages a customer goes through when interacting with a business or organization. The stages typically include:


  • The customer becomes aware of the product or service offered by the business.


  • The customer expresses interest in the product or service and begins to gather more information.


  • The customer evaluates the product or service and compares it to alternatives.


  • The customer makes a purchase decision and buys the product or service.

Post-purchase evaluation:

  • The customer evaluates their satisfaction with the product or service and may provide feedback.


  • The customer becomes a repeat customer and may recommend the product or service to others.

The customer lifecycle can vary depending on the type of business or product and the specific customer. Some customers may go through the stages quickly, while others may take longer. Additionally, some customers may not go through all of the stages, such as if they decide not to purchase the product or service.


Customer journey:

It is the process a consumer goes through to become a customer when interacting with a company or brand. It typically includes the following stages:


  • This is the stage where the consumer becomes aware of the company or brand and its products or services.


  • At this stage, the consumer expresses interest in the company or brand and starts to gather more information about it.


  • The consumer evaluates the company or brand and its products or services, comparing them to competitors and deciding whether to make a purchase.


  • The consumer makes a purchase and becomes a customer of the company or brand.


  • After making a purchase, the customer may have a positive or negative experience with the company or brand, which can influence their future purchasing decisions.

Repeat purchase:

  • When the customer is happy with the purchase and the post-purchase experience, they might make repeat purchase or even become a loyal customer.

In addition to the stages of the consumer/customer journey, there are also various touch-points that a customer may have with a company or brand. Touch-points can include things like visiting a website, reading online reviews, interacting with customer service, or visiting a physical store. Companies and brands often use customer journey mapping to understand how customers interact with their products or services, and to identify areas where they can improve the customer experience. This can involve collecting data from various touch-points and analyzing it to identify patterns and trends.


The customer lifecycle and customer journey are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.


The customer lifecycle refers to the stages that a customer goes through when interacting with a company, from initial awareness of a product or service, to purchase, to post-purchase support and advocacy. (The stages of a customer lifecycle can vary depending on the industry and the specific business)

The customer journey, on the other hand, is a representation of the touch-points and interactions that a customer has with a company throughout the entire lifecycle. It includes all the different channels and touch-points that the customer interacts with, such as website, social media, email, phone, in-store, etc. The customer journey map is a visual representation of the customer's experience, and it is used to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.

In addition to the differences outlined above, it's also worth noting that:

  • Customer lifecycle is more focused on the stages a customer goes through with a particular company or product, while the customer journey is more holistic and considers the entire experience a customer has with a brand or industry.

  • Customer lifecycle is often used to inform marketing and sales strategies, as it helps companies understand where customers behavior are in their relationship with the company and tailor their strategies accordingly and decide what types of messaging and tactics are most likely to be effective at each stage. This helps to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and ultimately drive more revenue.

  • Customer journey is often used to inform customer service and support strategies with the goal of positively influencing a customer's journey at each stage. It also helps companies understand where customers are likely to need assistance and what types of interactions are most likely to be positive or negative.

  • Both customer lifecycle and customer journey can be used for customer retention and re-engagement, as they can help to identify the points where customers are most likely to disengage with a company, and the touch-points that are most likely to lead to repeat purchases or advocacy.

  • Customer journey mapping is a popular methodology to understand customer’s pain points and to redesign the customer experience by removing friction and adding value in the right place.

  • Customer lifecycle is more focused on the internal process of the company and how they interact with their customers, while the customer journey is more focused on the external experience of the customer and how they perceive and interact with the company.

  • Customer lifecycle is typically used to track and analyze customer behavior over time, and to identify patterns and trends that can be used to improve the customer experience. On the other hand, the customer journey is typically used to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement in the customer experience, and to design strategies and tactics that can be used to address these issues.

  • Customer journey is key when it comes to personalization. Companies and brands can use data they have on customers to create more personalized experiences, such as targeted marketing campaigns or personalized product recommendations.

Both the customer lifecycle and the customer journey can be valuable tools for businesses, but they serve different purposes and are best used in different contexts.


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